Do I lease only new vehicles or used ones as well?

Depending on your needs, you have a choice between new and used vehicles. During the consulting phase, you will be advised appropriately and will be introduced with your choices.

How much time does it require from signing the contract to vehicle delivery?

Depending on the availability of the vehicle it can take up to 3 months from signing the contract to vehicle delivery. During this time you have the option of using a replacement vehicle until your required vehicle arrives. The replacement vehicle will be of the same category.

When do I receive a replacement vehicle?

Depending on the case there is always an agreement between us. If we have to perform an operation during hours when you are not using the vehicle, then with your consent you don’t receive a replacement vehicle but rather you get your renewed vehicle. Nevertheless, for any operation that may require time out of your time on the road, we provide a replacement vehicle.

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